Dermatology Essentials
Let’s face it: learning dermatology isn’t easy. We want to help you shine.
Most medical schools don’t emphasize dermatology in their preclinical curriculum, and you certainly won’t be focusing on dermatology when studying for Step 1 and Step 2CK.
By the time your dermatology electives or aways sneak up, you might not feel ready to give your “A-game.” Our guides were designed to help you navigate dermatology’s steep learning curve.
This is “must-know” information to read about before your dermatology rotations. Click on our guides below to learn more.
1. Anatomy of the skin
2. Obtaining a history
3. The skin exam
4. Morphological terms
Learn about 14 of the most common skin disorders you’ll see in clinic. Our guides below focus on the most high yield information that will help you learn how to diagnose and treat each condition.